JumpnSpots Ocicat Breeder
Located just North of Los Angeles California in Ventura County


Champion Ocicat Cosmic Spots Duma Roo of JumpnSpots
Champion Ocicat Cosmic Spots Duma Roo of JumpnSpots
Champion Ocicat Cosmic Spots Duma Roo of JumpnSpots kittens on Animal Planet

This is Champion Cosmic Spots Duma Roo of JumpnSpots.  He is one incredibly sweet boy.

He is the proud father of a litter of kittens that was born at Cosmic Spots Ocicats and showcased on Animal Planet. The episode has been re-aired again and again. I hope you get a chance to see the show. 

Spots that Jump ................ JumpnSpots ................ JumpnSpotsOcicats